FFXIV Has A HUGE Problem with Job Design…

this is the worst samurai change in the Entire Underworld — i do have socials actually twitter.com/lucypyre_.

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this is the worst samurai change in the Entire Underworld — i do have socials actually twitter.com/lucypyre_.


ffxiv,ff14,final fantasy xiv,final fantasy 14,square enix,squeenix,yoshi p,devs,game devs,job design,samurai,kaiten,6.1,changes,updates,job changes,job updates,skill,skill removal,skills removed,skill removed,kaitent,this video is going to get more chair lucy same person accusations im sure,sam,dps,dps changes



  • Lucy Pyre

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    this video can only end very very well

  • Pedroka

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    I just love to spam only one button to lose kenki on SAM… Stopped playing SAM since Kaiten got removed, class is too oversimplified and boring…

  • Hoch Die Anarchie!

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    I'm sick of console players fucking over PC games or devs having to waste time on putting in dogshit crossplay.

  • Kohlicoide

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    Can't wait until the remove Dots from Bard.. SMN lose it.. PLD will lose it in 6.3.. and Bard next because some people complain it is "to hard"

  • Swordart22

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    Braindead game.

  • xaphiero

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    lol – "spreadsheets are my body logs are my blood" 😆

  • Nevermore YT

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    they honestly need to make the game harder.

  • Water 7

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    nice little warning lol 🧠❌

  • Vale Folken

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    The "everything must fit into a clean 60/120 rotation" is the biggest cancer of all. I'm not even playing a game and making decisions anymore. I'm playing Simon Says, and god forbid there's a lag spike, or a movement mechanic that makes my buff windows not align perfectly with 7 other people.

  • Sir Arthur King of bobland

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    The voice(her voice/sound) of all ff14 players, the root of the problem…. listen to the sound, and feel that MSQ burnout. GG

  • Stefan R

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    I don't even play FFXIV. I just pressed like so you can get closer to 6666 thumbs up 🙂

  • Jeep Acreano

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    Not a veteran player here, but I think simplifying the jobs too much is a terrible decision and I dare say it might kill the game in some years, one of my favorite games of all time is Devil may cry, and if it weren't for that game's high skill ceiling I probably wouldn't play it back to back as much as I have, final fantasy is an easy game, the skill floor is low, and any job is viable to clear most content, but if the devs want to please the hardcore gamers (and they obviously want to since they have the so called savage content and those super hard raids I've heard about) they can't just take skills of the players, they can't just make an ability ALSO do the thing the removed ability did, having options is good, even if it's just flavor or a cool animation, it still makes our monkey brains make the happy juices

    Like devil may cry, you don't NEED to master the game to be able to beat most content, but a veteran player will look at all those options you gave to him and he'll be your most loyal costumer because goddamn he WILL break your game the same way they are willing to break their fingers to keep their rotation going

  • Charles Hunt

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    I’d hate to have to tell you this, but each action a person takes including clicking a button requires a lot more than just one brain cell because brain activity is a whole bunch of electrical signals that go along the chain, which requires lots of brain cells to be involved I just wanted you to know that. That’s why it is possible to manipulate the physical body and thought processes by sending the brain electrical impulses. this can control thought mood motor functions. That’s why Elon musk is thinking about basically putting chips in peoples brains now don’t get me wrong. This may sound scary but this can actually be a good thing he’s working on a way to help people with very bad PTSD, negate those thoughts and moods, thereby allowing them to live a normal life that would be cool. I think pretty much all science can be used for good and evil. It just depends on who’s doing it.

  • The Dark Soul of Man

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    Lucy, please whisper in the videos more. It is… very interesting.

  • antimatterdragon321

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    They're gonna do it again. They're gonna kill Paladin. Help me.

  • Scott L

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    3:503:55 Those… were words you just said.

  • AllyTank-ity Kitty

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    I hated most of the job changes since HW, play the game on and off now not religiously like I did back then, but this is the same as me missing Dark arts used to love smashing that!

  • Hideharu-XIII

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    Why does it seem like casual players seem to ruin games since devs go out of their way to cater to them?

  • DioDiablo

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    The angry mobs are screaming

  • U9B

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    I don't have a problem switching between hotbars as a scholar. Must be a skill issue.

  • Grimnir

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    i dont get why everything has to be simpler and easier nowadays and why powercreeping everything up to the point that coughing into certain directions kills enemys is the way to go .. i feel like the only thing you get from that are worse players with a bigger ego that manage to ignore half of the game and lack awarness or even basic understanding of the game since since everything is being taken care off for them so that they can "enjoy" the game .. and im not talking about ff14 but more about the general feeling i get.

  • Ms Flowerpower

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    She plays Rune Factory 🙂

  • 大神16

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    6.2 public impressions:
    >Dragoon consolidation change to Mirage Dive to reduce bloat now reverted due to player feedback
    >6 dragoons who complained because of the strictness in DSR: Yay it's back
    Everyone else:
    >but WHY
    >I cant fit this on my controller crossbars
    >What about Pitch Perfect

  • Shahriar RS

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    Ayo how the fuck people play this game

  • Rialú Caos

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    Looks like this game is going down the mind-numbingly easy "accessibility" route; as is the fate of all MMOs, given enough time.

  • Colby Boucher

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    I'm just getting into FFXIV, still leveling up my Arcanist, and I couldn't help but think "lots of buttons to press but no actual decisions being made". So it's kinda nice to see someone talking about it.

  • Jake

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    What's the point of adding hairstyles when the pompadour is unlocked from the start?

  • Vegetable

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    Give me back my fucking Sleeve Draw goddamit. I WANT TO DRAW 3 CARDS AT ONCE.

  • Subspicion

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    Or instead of them dumbing down so many jobs so the console plebs don't feel left out just put combo's and skills that do the same shit on the same button and just have it transform. Like half of Summoners skills already do.

  • StellariumSound

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    I never played SAM before the rework, so I had no idea. So long as they replace Kaiten with something more engaging, sure. If not, then yeah. Bad tidings.

  • Alex Bermann

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    I am very filthy and very casual and this change seems like a horrible idea.

    Basically, if I want to play a job that is deliciously smooth brained, it is good to have the choice. I can focus on the story, the cool animations and stuff.
    But: one of the gameplay things FF14 did really well was that I can switch jobs. This option is great because I can get a completely new experience with the push of a button. If that experience doesn't include a job that requires me to handle 4 bars that are affected by 15 skills with different cooldowns and that has 30 different skills that make use of specific bar constellations, I am poorer for it. Even if I never choose to play that class, it means something that I could and the complexity could even make easy content interesting to me again.

    Also, what happened to the ERPers? I somehow managed to missed the whole phenomenon and worry that I may never engage in … being totally opposed and definitely not engage in this depravity.

  • Klaus Kleinfaust

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    Lucy am I cringe if I play male Viera Reaper with Kinna Sickle? I wanted to go goth bunny murderer but more like the evil rabbit from monty python, vibe check?

  • Unknown None

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    While we at it, lets completely scrap all of healer design, fire whoever made them, and hire actual game designers to fix the healers.

  • a c

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    My only issue with skill complications is for smile that chain into other skills where they are like steps 2 and 3 in a situation based chain. Such as skill 1 can trigger s2,s2 then opens s3. And instead of just having the button for s2 turn into s3, thy require each to be on its own button even when s2 and s3 can not both be usable at the same time.
    There is a big difference between something being complex by nature and something being purposely complicated. Part of the reason I stoped playing was because it isn't fun having to hotkey 15+ abilities that I needed quick access to in combat. I understand that some people like overly complicated combat mechanics,but the line needs to be drawn sooner.yes, having only like 2 buttons to use is bad, but so is having 10.
    That is one thing I liked about rift when it first came out, their macro system let you condense skills you would also hit everytime they are available into one button so you had your general attack button and then other buttons for specific situations like taunts, defensive cool downs,movement abilities,ext.it reduced button bloat and let you focus on the right instead of focusing on which attack is ready to hit next. Any game design that requires players to be looking at their bothers to see what skills are ready to use regularly is just bad design

  • J BS

    February 14, 2023 - 5:10 am

    The removal of Kaiten literally made me drop SAM, a job that was previously my favourite

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