The United Arab Emirates has been undergoing a significant transformation in the last few decades, from an oil-based economy to a diversified and innovation-driven economy. This transformation has led to new technological advancements, demographic shifts, and changes in the global business landscape, all of which have contributed to reshaping the country’s workforce. As a result, the future of work in the UAE is expected to look very different than it does today. This article will explore the trends and predictions for the coming years in the UAE workforce.

  1. Increased Automation and Robotics

The UAE government is investing heavily in the development of automation and robotics. Experts predict that automation will take over repetitive and mundane tasks, which will free up time and resources for employees to focus on higher-value tasks. This trend will lead to a more efficient workforce, better productivity, and higher output. The construction industry, in particular, is expected to see a significant shift towards automation in the coming years, with the use of robotics expected to aid the development of the UAE’s green agenda.

  1. Emergence of New Jobs

With the rise of automation and robotics, many jobs that exist today are likely to become redundant in the coming years. However, the emergence of new industries and specializations will more than make up for this loss. The UAE has already made significant progress in developing industries such as renewable energy, space exploration, and biotechnology, which are expected to create new jobs in the coming years.

  1. Emphasis on Soft Skills

While automation and robotics will take care of repetitive and mundane tasks, there will be a growing emphasis on soft skills such as emotional intelligence, negotiation, and critical thinking. These skills cannot be replicated by machines, and they are essential in building strong relationships between employers and employees, clients and customers. The pandemic has shown the importance of soft skills, particularly in the context of remote working arrangements.

  1. Greater Flexibility

The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards remote working, and it is expected that this trend will continue in the coming years. Companies are likely to adopt flexible working arrangements, allowing employees to work from home, work on flexible hours or shift work arrangements. This change in the way people work will be particularly beneficial to women who face challenges balancing work and home duties.

  1. Diversity and Inclusion

The UAE has been making significant progress in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The country has been actively promoting gender diversity and has been making efforts to integrate people with disabilities into the workforce. This trend is expected to continue, and the focus will shift towards creating a truly inclusive workforce where people from diverse backgrounds are equally represented in all levels of an organization.

  1. Rise of Gig Economy

The gig economy has been on the rise globally, and the UAE is no exception. Many workers in the country now rely on gig work, such as driving for Uber or delivering food for Deliveroo. The gig economy is expected to grow further in the years to come, with more people opting for flexible working arrangements.

  1. Continuous Learning

The pace of technological advancement is relentless and continues to accelerate. As a result, the skills needed in the workplace are constantly changing. To keep up with this pace, employees will need to continuously learn and upgrade their skills. It is expected that there will be a growing focus on lifelong learning, with companies investing in employee training and development.


The future of work in the UAE is going to look very different than it does today. Automation and robotics will take over repetitive and mundane tasks, while soft skills, diversity and inclusion, and lifelong learning will become increasingly important. The rise of the gig economy, flexibility in working arrangements, and the emergence of new jobs and industries will also contribute to reshaping the UAE’s workforce. The country’s government and businesses, therefore, need to prepare themselves to adapt and to take advantage of these changes.
