When it comes to spreading on toast, crackers, or bread, there are endless options to choose from. The wide selection of spreads available means that you can make a variety of delicious and healthy snacks for any occasion. The two main categories are savoury and sweet, and while both have their appeal, choosing the right spread for the occasion is crucial. In this article, we’ll discuss the differences between savoury and sweet spreads and help you to decide which types are appropriate for different scenarios.

Savoury Spreads

Savoury spreads are those that are savoury or salty in flavour. They are often made with ingredients such as cheese, herbs, garlic, vegetables or meat, among others. These spreads can be used in a variety of ways, from sandwich fillings to dips and as toppings on pizzas. Here are several options of savoury spreads that should be considered when choosing for different occasions.


Pesto is a popular savoury spread that is made from blended basil, garlic, olive oil, pine nuts and parmesan cheese. It has a rich and tangy taste and can be used over pasta, on croutons, as a dip or in a sandwich. It is an excellent choice for those who prefer a little bit of tanginess.


Hummus is a delicious and healthy spread that is made from chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, salt, lemon juice and garlic. It is creamy and delicious and can be served as a dip, spread on bread or crackers or used as a sandwich filling. It is perfect for those who prefer a more classic spread.


Tapenade is a savoury spread made from olives, capers, garlic, and olive oil. It has a unique salty tang and goes great with crackers, bread or in sandwiches. It is also an excellent alternative for those who are looking for a vegan spread.

Cream Cheese

Cream cheese is a versatile spread that is perfect for any occasion. It has a creamy and light flavour, and it can be used for both savoury and sweet spread options. It can be used in sandwiches, dips, or even as a topping for bagels.

Sweet Spreads

Sweet spreads are those that are sugary or sweet in flavour. These spreads are perfect for breakfasts or snacks, and they can be used in a variety of ways from spreading on pancakes, waffles or toast to mixing in yogurt or smoothies. Here are some sweet spread options that are ideal for different scenarios.

Chocolate Spread

Chocolate spread is a crowd-pleaser that can make a simple breakfast or snack taste luxurious. It is perfect for those who enjoy a little bit of indulgence. Chocolate spread can be used on toast, pancakes, waffles or in smoothies, and it is perfect for sweetening up your breakfast.

Fruit Preserves

Fruit preserves are sweet spreads made from fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, or peaches, among others. They are perfect for those who prefer a natural sweetener. Fruit preserves can be used on toast, scones or in sandwiches, and they are perfect for adding a little bit of flavour to your breakfast or snack.

Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is a classic sweet spread that can be used for pancakes, French toast, and waffles. It has a rich and sweet flavour that is perfect for those who prefer natural sweeteners. It is perfect for those who are looking for a more natural sweetener.


Honey is a healthy sweet spread that can be used as an alternative to sugar or artificial sweeteners. It has a sweet and flowery taste, and it can be used for toast, crackers or as a natural sweetener in tea or coffee.

Choosing the Right Spread for the Occasion

When it comes to choosing the right spread for any occasion, several factors come into play. These include the time of day, the type of event, and the preference of the people who will be eating. Here are some tips on choosing the right spread for any occasion.


For breakfast, you want to focus on sweet spreads that can give you energy and keep you satisfied. Maple syrup, honey, and fruit preserves are perfect for breakfast as they provide natural sweetness to pancakes or toast.


For lunch, you will want to focus on savoury spreads such as hummus, pesto, or cream cheese. These spreads are perfect for sandwiches, dips and can be used as a topping for crackers or toast.

Afternoon Snack

For an afternoon snack or tea-time, you will want to focus on sweet spreads that can provide a little bit of energy to help you get through the day. Chocolate spread, fruit preserves, and honey are perfect for these occasions.


For a dinner party or special occasion, you will want to focus on more substantial savoury spreads such as tapenades or cream cheese. These spreads can be used for dips, spreads and can be used as a topping for pizzas.


Choosing the right spread for any occasion is vital. Whether you’re looking for a savoury or sweet spread, there are endless options to choose from. By keeping factors such as the time of day and type of event in mind, you can narrow down your choices and choose the perfect spread. Savoury spreads like hummus or pesto are perfect for lunch or dinner, while sweet spreads such as honey and fruit preserves work well for breakfast and afternoon snacks. With a little bit of planning and creativity, you can make any snack or meal a delicious and healthy one with the right spread.
