As someone seeking employment, you may be wondering how to maximize the chances of getting your job application noticed. With many applicants vying for the same position, it’s important to make a lasting impression through your job application. In this article, we will discuss the strategies you can use to master the art of impressions with your job application.

  1. Tailoring Your Application

As the competition is fierce in the job market, it’s essential to tailor your application to each job you are applying to. The job market doesn’t want a general job application that looks generic and could apply to any job, but which shows no specificity to the advertised position. Instead, take the time to read the job description, and highlight your relevant skills and experience directly related to the job post. In your cover letter, briefly highlight your educational and professional background and qualifications, but focus more on your skills’ suitability for the job post.

Adaptability is another valuable quality to highlight in a job application. You can highlight your willingness to learn and your ability to adapt to different work environments. You may also highlight examples of previous experiences in which you had to adapt to unexpected situations, indicating how this could help you excel in the advertised position.

  1. Writing a Compelling Cover Letter

The cover letter, albeit being optional in some job application processes, is an excellent opportunity to create a compelling first impression. Use the chance to tell a story that sells your suitability for the job, and brings out more about you that wouldn’t be highlighted in the resume.

Start by personalizing the greeting in the cover letter. Having the hiring manager’s name shows that you’ve done your research, and you’re more invested in the opportunity which reflects positively on you. Secondly, be brief but precise in your opening sentence, indicating the reason for the letter without wasting the hiring manager’s time.

Use the letter’s body to bring out your most salient qualifications and express your interest in the position. Focus on highlighting your accomplishments and achievements aligned with the job post. Quantifying your achievements- such as any contribution to sales, customer satisfaction, or increased efficiency- can make your accomplishments look more impactful. By linking your past experiences with the job post, you can show that you have the requisite experience for that position.

Lastly, end the cover letter by thanking the hiring manager for their consideration. Include a short paragraph with your desired interview timeline, highlighting that you would be available at their convenience.

  1. Showcasing your Creativity

Incorporating creativity and innovation is another way to leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager. However, before introducing creativity in your application, it’s advisable to research and understand the company’s culture to gauge how it would be received, and adjust accordingly. Remember, too much creativity or too little, may cause your application to be dismissed.

You could introduce creativity by using a different format from the conventional Word or PDF format, for instance, using an Infographic highlighting your skills and experience. Additionally, you could create a video resume, where you could introduce yourself and your achievements. A video resume provides a personal touch and increases the chances of standing out from other applicants. Ensure that the video is professionally edited and is aligned with the job post.

Another creative way of presenting yourself is through networking sites, LinkedIn being the most popular for professionals. Updating your LinkedIn profile is pivotal in selling yourself to the hiring manager. You can highlight your most relevant skills and experiences, ensuring they align with the advertised position. Additionally, LinkedIn provides a chance to connect with professionals in the industry and companies you’re interested in, which could provide you with necessary job referrals.

  1. Refining Your Resume

A resume is a summary of your professional career, achievements, and education, and refining it is critical in improving your chances of being invited for an interview promptly.

The resume should have a visually appealing structure- easy to scan through, making it easier for the hiring manager- which will increase the chances of your resume being viewed and considered. A clear, concise resume format highlights your relevant work experiences, skills, and accomplishments, in bullet points. The format should be consistent throughout the resume, with appropriate font sizes and style. Use the same format for each job application, ensuring your details align with the advertised position.

It’s important to emphasize your most relevant and recent work experiences in the resume, showing the impact you made and matching the job post’s requirements. Add numbers, estimates, and metrics, what we refer to as “quantification” throughout your career achievements and experiences. Even if it’s your first job, it’s possible to showcase specific project work and internships that highlight transferrable skills or experience.

Remember, proofreading your resume is paramount. Avoid grammatical errors, typographical errors, and careless mistakes, as these could be fatal and cause your application to be rejected.

  1. Following Up on the Application

A common mistake applicants make is to assume their application was not successful, and thus, they lose hope and move on to other opportunities. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged as you wait, but following up on the job application can work in your favor.

Inquire on the company’s hiring timeline, and if you haven’t heard back for two weeks after your application, a brief follow-up email to the HR or hiring team could indicate your serious interest in the opportunity. A follow-up email should be brief, showing gratitude for the opportunity and highlighting your enthusiasm for that specific role. It’s essential to avoid making follow-ups frequently as they may be viewed as annoying.

In summary, mastering the art of impressions through your job application requires time, effort, and research. Tailoring your application, writing a compelling cover letter, showcasing creativity, refining your resume, and following up on your application could increase your chances of leaving an excellent first impression on the hiring manager. Remember, it’s not only about the skills and qualifications but how you package and present them to the potential employer. Applying these tips could make the difference in landing that dream job.
