Graphic Design in a COVID-19 World: How Designers are Adapting

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected countless industries, and graphic design is no exception. As the world has shifted to a remote, socially distant reality, graphic designers have had to adapt and change their approaches to stay relevant and effective in their field. In this article, we’ll explore how designers are adapting to the challenges of graphic design in the COVID-19 world.

The Importance of Visual Communication

First, it’s important to acknowledge the critical role that graphic design plays in our society. In a world where we are inundated with information, visual communication is vital for helping us make sense of the world around us, whether it’s through signs, advertisements, or social media posts. Good design can convey complex ideas quickly and effectively, and it can inspire and motivate people to take action.

During the pandemic, visual communication has become even more crucial. With so much conflicting information out there, people need clear, concise messages that they can trust. This is where graphic designers come in: by crafting visually appealing designs that convey important information in a straightforward way, designers can help us navigate this challenging time.

Challenges Facing Graphic Designers in the COVID-19 World

Of course, designing in the COVID-19 era comes with its own set of challenges. Here are just a few of the obstacles designers are currently grappling with:

  • Limited access to resources: With many designers working remotely, they may not have access to the same resources they once did, such as specialized software or high-quality printers.
  • New design constraints: The pandemic has necessitated changes in the way we interact with the world, and designers must take these into account when creating their designs. For example, a poster promoting a public event must now include information about social distancing guidelines and mask-wearing requirements.
  • A rapidly changing landscape: The pandemic is an ever-evolving situation, with new guidance and regulations coming out regularly. Designers must stay up-to-date on the latest developments in order to create designs that accurately reflect the current state of affairs.

Despite these challenges, designers are rising to the occasion and finding new ways to create effective, impactful designs that resonate with people.

Adapting to Remote Work

One of the biggest changes for graphic designers during the pandemic is the shift to remote work. Many designers are used to working in office environments, collaborating with colleagues in person and using specialized equipment. Now, they must adapt to working from home, communicating with teams virtually and relying on the software and equipment they have available.

To make this transition easier, designers are using tools like Slack and Zoom to stay in touch with their colleagues, and collaborating on projects using cloud-based design software like Figma. They may also be improvising with the resources they have on hand, like using a home printer instead of a professional one, or repurposing elements from previous designs to save time.

Adapting to New Design Constraints

In addition to figuring out new ways of working, designers must also adapt to new design constraints brought about by the pandemic. For example, signs promoting social distancing guidelines and mask-wearing must be clear and easy to read, while also conveying a sense of urgency and importance.

One way designers are getting around these constraints is by using bold typography and design elements that draw the eye. Bright colors, high-contrast designs, and simple, clean layouts can all help make a message more impactful and memorable.

Designers are also finding creative ways to incorporate new COVID-19-related elements into their designs. For example, many designers are incorporating masks and hand sanitizer bottles into their designs, using them as visual signifiers to communicate important information without needing to rely on words.

Staying Up-to-Date on Current Events

Finally, designers must stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the pandemic in order to create designs that accurately reflect the current state of affairs. This can be challenging, as new information is coming out all the time.

To stay on top of things, designers are monitoring news outlets and government websites to stay informed about new guidelines and regulations. They may also be seeking advice from public health experts to ensure their designs align with the latest recommendations.


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced graphic designers to adapt and change their approaches to their work. Despite the challenges of social distancing, new design constraints, and rapidly changing landscapes, designers are finding ways to create effective, impactful designs that help people navigate this challenging time. By staying up-to-date on the latest developments, collaborating virtually with colleagues, and finding creative solutions to design constraints, designers are rising to the occasion and continuing to create powerful visual messages that make a difference.
