As the world’s leading online payment system, PayPal has revolutionized the way we do business online. Millions of people rely on this platform to send and receive payments every day, and for good reason. PayPal offers quick, secure transactions, low fees, and excellent customer service.

But did you know that you can also earn some free money with PayPal? As an online entrepreneur, blogger, freelancer, or small business owner, you can become a PayPal Pro and take advantage of a variety of tips and tricks to make some extra cash. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best ways to become a PayPal Pro and start earning free money today.

Tip #1: Sign up for PayPal’s referral program

PayPal offers a generous referral program that rewards you for bringing new customers to the platform. When you sign up for the program, you’ll receive a unique referral link that you can share with your audience. Every time someone signs up for a PayPal account using your link and completes the required criteria, you’ll earn money.

Depending on where you live, the referral program pays out different amounts. In the US, you can earn $10 for every qualified referral, and your invitees can also receive a $10 bonus. In some countries, the referral bonus can go up to $100.

To get the most out of the program, share your referral link on your blog, website, social media channels, and email newsletter. You can also provide a tutorial on how to use PayPal and its benefits to entice more people to sign up through your link.

Tip #2: Use PayPal for affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. If you have a blog, website, or social media account with a decent following, you can partner with companies that offer affiliate programs and earn commissions for promoting their products or services.

PayPal can be a convenient way to receive your affiliate earnings since most affiliate networks and programs offer PayPal as a payment option. This means that you can receive your commissions directly to your PayPal account and cash out whenever you reach the minimum threshold.

Some popular affiliate networks that use PayPal include Amazon Associates, ShareASale, Commission Junction, and ClickBank. Look for products or services that match your niche and audience, and promote them through your content or social media posts.

Tip #3: Offer PayPal as a payment option on your website

If you sell products or services online, offering PayPal as a payment option can boost your sales and credibility. PayPal is a trusted and secure payment platform that many shoppers prefer, especially for international transactions.

To set up PayPal as a payment option on your website, you need to create a PayPal Business account and integrate it with your e-commerce platform or website builder. PayPal offers various tools and plugins to make the integration process smoother, such as PayPal Checkout, PayPal Buttons, PayPal Invoicing, and PayPal Here.

Once you have PayPal set up on your website, make sure to promote it to your customers and highlight its benefits. For example, you can offer a discount or free shipping for customers who pay with PayPal, or showcase the PayPal buyer protection guarantee.

Tip #4: Participate in PayPal surveys and studies

PayPal occasionally conducts surveys and studies to gather feedback from its users and improve its services. By participating in these surveys, you can not only provide valuable insights but also earn some cash rewards.

PayPal surveys typically pay between $1 to $10, and you can complete them online or through email invitations. You may also have the chance to participate in focus groups, usability testing, or other types of studies that offer higher payouts.

To increase your chances of being selected for PayPal surveys and studies, make sure to keep your PayPal account active and up-to-date, and provide as much information as possible about your interests and demographics.

Tip #5: Buy and sell goods using PayPal

Another way to earn free money with PayPal is by buying and selling goods on platforms that accept PayPal payments. For example, you can buy products on eBay using your PayPal account and then resell them for a profit on your own store or on another platform.

You can also leverage PayPal’s invoicing and request money features to receive payments from clients and customers who don’t have PayPal accounts. This can be useful if you offer services or products that require personalized quotes or manual transactions.

Keep in mind that buying and selling goods comes with some risks, such as fraudulent buyers or sellers, chargebacks, or shipping issues. Make sure to read and follow PayPal’s guidelines for secure transactions and use reputable platforms and delivery services.


Becoming a PayPal Pro can be a smart way to earn some extra cash and take advantage of PayPal’s many benefits. By signing up for PayPal’s referral program, using it for affiliate marketing, offering it as a payment option on your website, participating in surveys and studies, and buying and selling goods, you can maximize your earnings and grow your online business. Just remember to always follow PayPal’s policies and security measures to keep your account safe and avoid any penalties or fees.
