Unemployment is one of the most significant problems faced by workers and their families in America. The economic recession, COVID-19 pandemic, and technological advancements have all contributed to the varying degrees of unemployment amongst various demographics. Today, people from different backgrounds are feeling the effects of unemployment in various ways and struggling to find work. In this article, we will discuss the different faces of unemployment in America, specifically the challenges faced by working moms and recent graduates.

Working Moms

In the United States, working moms make up a significant portion of the workforce. According to a 2021 report by the National Women’s Law Center, mothers have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and their employment rate has dropped dramatically. The report also revealed that women, in general, have experienced higher unemployment rates since the pandemic began than men. This phenomenon can be attributed to the fact that women are more likely to hold jobs in the service industry, which has been negatively impacted by the pandemic.

Working moms have stated that finding a job with a flexible work schedule is crucial to their success. Additionally, the lack of affordable childcare is a significant hurdle for working moms. The cost of childcare has risen significantly over the past few years, making it difficult for working mothers to remain in the workforce. Without affordable childcare, many working moms must choose between their job and their family, forcing them to leave the labor force or take on part-time jobs that do not allow them to advance their careers.

Another issue that working moms face is the gender pay gap. Despite the increase in the number of working women in America, the gender pay gap remains a significant issue. Women, on average, earn 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. Women of color experience an even larger pay gap. This gender pay gap is a significant hurdle for working moms and limits their earning potential. This disparity is due to the fact that women are often employed in jobs that pay less than men, and they may experience discrimination in the workplace.

Recent Graduates

Recent graduates are another demographic that has faced significant unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Class of 2020 entered the job market at a time when unemployment rates were at an all-time high. Many college graduates were unable to find jobs in their desired fields and were forced to take jobs outside their area of expertise. The pandemic has changed the job market, and employers have become more selective in their hiring decisions, which limits the job opportunities available to recent graduates.

One of the major challenges faced by recent graduates is the high level of student debt. According to the Federal Reserve, the total student loan debt in America is over $1.5 trillion, making it the second-highest consumer debt category after mortgages. The burden of student debt is more significant for recent graduates since they are just starting their careers and have limited earning potential. The monthly repayment on student loans can often be higher than the graduates’ income.

Another challenge faced by recent graduates is the lack of experience required for most job openings. Many job postings require that applicants have at least two years of experience, making it difficult for recent graduates to find their first job. Additionally, not having experience limits the job options available to recent graduates. They must settle for entry-level jobs that offer lower salaries and minimal opportunities for advancement.


The issue of unemployment affects many different demographics in America. Working moms and recent graduates face unique challenges due to the pandemic and other economic factors. The pandemic has highlighted the need for flexible work schedules, affordable childcare, and equitable pay for working moms. It has also highlighted the need for employers to provide opportunities for recent graduates to gain experience and advance their careers.

In conclusion, the various faces of unemployment in America must be addressed to help these demographics find work and income stability. The government and private organizations should work together to create opportunities that allow working moms and recent graduates to continue to advance their careers and support their families. By addressing these challenges, the country can continue to build a strong and thriving economy that benefits everyone.
