Do you find yourself typing away at your keyboard all day? Maybe you’re constantly jotting down notes, writing emails, or typing up documents. If so, why not get paid for it?

There’s a growing demand for people who can type quickly and accurately, and there are plenty of opportunities to make money from your keyboard. Whether you’re looking for a full-time job or just some extra cash on the side, there are plenty of ways to earn money by typing.

In this guide, we’ll explore the different ways you can get paid to type and how you can start earning money from your keyboard today.

  1. Transcription

Transcription involves typing out audio recordings for clients. This can include anything from medical records to legal depositions to interviews and podcasts. The key to success in transcription is accuracy and speed.

To get started, you’ll need to find a transcription service that matches your skills and experience level. Some popular options include GoTranscript, TranscribeMe, and Rev. These services offer flexible work options and competitive pay rates.

  1. Data entry

Data entry involves inputting information into a computer database. This could include anything from customer surveys to financial data to medical records. Data entry jobs are often offered by businesses that have a large amount of data to process and need someone to do it quickly and accurately.

To find data entry jobs, check out online job boards like Indeed, Monster, or You can also reach out to companies directly and ask if they have any data entry opportunities available.

  1. Freelance writing

Freelance writing involves creating content for clients on a variety of topics. This could include anything from blog posts to website copy to product descriptions. To succeed as a freelance writer, you’ll need strong writing skills and an ability to research and learn about new topics quickly.

To find freelance writing gigs, check out job boards like Upwork, Freelancer, or Guru. You might also consider networking with other writers and industry professionals to find opportunities.

  1. Blogging

Blogging involves creating your own online content on a regular basis. This could include anything from personal experiences to expert advice to reviews and recommendations. The key to success in blogging is building a loyal audience and creating valuable content that people want to read.

To monetize your blog, you’ll need to attract advertisers and sponsors. This can be done by creating high-quality content that attracts readers and building a strong social media presence to promote your blog.

  1. Social media management

Social media management involves managing a company’s social media presence. This could include creating posts, responding to comments, and monitoring analytics. To succeed in social media management, you’ll need strong communication skills and an ability to stay up-to-date on social media trends.

To find social media management jobs, check out job boards like Indeed, Monster, or Upwork. You can also reach out to companies directly and ask if they have any social media management opportunities available.

  1. Virtual assistant

Virtual assistants (VAs) provide administrative support to clients remotely. This could include everything from scheduling appointments to responding to emails to booking travel arrangements. To succeed as a VA, you’ll need strong organizational skills and an ability to communicate effectively with clients.

To find VA jobs, check out job boards like Upwork or Freelancer. You can also reach out to businesses directly and pitch your services.

  1. Online tutoring

Online tutoring involves teaching students remotely via video conferencing. This could range from subjects like math and science to language-learning to test prep. To succeed as an online tutor, you’ll need strong teaching skills and an ability to communicate effectively with students.

To find online tutoring jobs, check out sites like or Chegg. You might also consider reaching out to local schools and offering your services to students.

  1. Translation

Translation involves converting written material from one language to another. This could include anything from legal documents to websites to marketing materials. To succeed as a translator, you’ll need strong language skills and an ability to understand cultural nuances.

To find translation jobs, check out sites like TranslatorsCafé or One Hour Translation. You can also reach out to businesses directly and ask if they have any translation opportunities available.

Final Thoughts

Earning money with your keyboard is easier than ever before. Whether you’re looking for a full-time job or just some extra cash on the side, there are plenty of opportunities to get paid to type.

To succeed in any of these fields, you’ll need strong typing skills and an ability to communicate effectively with clients. With dedication and hard work, you can turn your typing skills into a lucrative career.
