Paying off your mortgage early is a wise financial decision that can provide long-term benefits such as saved interest, reduced financial stress, and greater financial freedom. While it may seem daunting, it is possible to pay off your mortgage early with careful planning and a disciplined approach. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to pay off your mortgage early.

Step 1: Evaluate your current financial situation

Before embarking on a plan to pay off your mortgage early, it’s essential to take stock of your overall financial situation. You need to know precisely what your income and expenses are, including any debts, and how much you’re already paying towards your mortgage each month.

To begin, review your monthly budget and look for areas where you can cut back on expenses. This may include reducing discretionary spending such as dining out, entertainment, and vacations. By reviewing your budget and finding areas to cut back, you can free up money that can be put towards your mortgage payment.

Also, take a look at your credit score, as this will have an impact on the interest rate you’ll receive when refinancing or if you decide to take out a home equity loan to pay off your mortgage early. If your credit score is relatively low, focus on improving it by paying your bills on time, reducing debt and disputing any errors on your credit report.

Step 2: Refinance your mortgage

One of the most effective ways to pay off your mortgage early is by refinancing your mortgage to a lower interest rate. By doing so, you can save money on interest charges, which will allow you to pay off your mortgage more quickly.

To determine if refinancing is right for you, compare your current mortgage rate to the current market rates. If there’s a significant difference between your current rate and the market rates, consider refinancing.

Before refinancing, be sure to shop around and talk to multiple lenders. Compare fees, terms, and other conditions of the new mortgage to determine which one is the most beneficial. Also, make sure to carefully read and understand all the terms and conditions before signing any agreement.

Step 3: Increase your monthly mortgage payment

Once you’ve refinanced, you should consider increasing your monthly mortgage payment. By doing so, you can chip away at your principal balance more quickly and shorten the life of your mortgage.

To increase your monthly payment, start by determining how much extra money you can afford to put towards your mortgage each month. Even a small amount, like $50, can make a significant impact over time.

Once you’ve determined the extra amount, contact your mortgage lender and ask them to apply the extra amount to your principal balance. Be sure to specify that this is not an advance payment but rather an additional payment to be applied directly to the principal.

Step 4: Make bi-weekly payments

Another way to pay off your mortgage early is by making bi-weekly payments rather than monthly payments. By making payments every two weeks instead of every month, you’ll make one additional mortgage payment each year.

To make bi-weekly payments, divide your monthly mortgage payment in half and make that payment every two weeks. By doing this, you’ll end up making 26 half-payments, which is equivalent to 13 full payments annually.

Step 5: Consider a lump sum payment

If you receive a lump sum payment, such as a tax refund or a bonus from work, consider applying it towards your mortgage principal balance. Doing so can significantly reduce your principal balance, which will shorten the life of your mortgage and save you money on interest charges.

Before making a lump sum payment, check with your mortgage lender to ensure that there’s no penalty for doing so. Some lenders charge a prepayment penalty for paying off your mortgage early.

Step 6: Reduce your mortgage term

If you can afford it, consider reducing the length of your mortgage term. For example, if you have a 30-year mortgage, you may be able to switch to a 15 or 20-year mortgage.

By doing so, you’ll pay off your mortgage more quickly and save money in interest charges. However, keep in mind that choosing a shorter-term mortgage will increase your monthly payments. So, be sure to review your budget and ensure that you can afford the higher payments before making a decision.

Step 7: Consider a home equity loan

Another option to pay off your mortgage early is by taking out a home equity loan. This type of loan allows you to borrow against the equity in your home and use the funds to pay off your mortgage.

Home equity loans typically have lower interest rates than traditional mortgages, which can save you money on interest charges over time. However, keep in mind that if you’re unable to pay back the loan, you risk losing your home.


Paying off your mortgage early is a smart financial decision that can provide long-term benefits. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can start reducing your mortgage balance and save money on interest charges. It may take some time, but with discipline and perseverance, you can achieve the goal of paying off your mortgage early.
