Innovative Mesothelioma Care Strategies: Experts Share Insights and Best Practices

Mesothelioma is a rare but aggressive cancer that affects the lining of various organs, most commonly the lungs, heart, and abdomen. The disease is caused by exposure to asbestos, a mineral that was widely used in the construction and manufacturing industries until the 1980s. Mesothelioma has a poor prognosis, and traditional treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy can have limited success in managing the disease. However, medical professionals and researchers are continually exploring innovative mesothelioma care strategies to improve outcomes for patients.

Experts in the field of mesothelioma treatment recently shared their latest insights and best practices at the annual International Mesothelioma Symposium. Here are some of the innovative approaches that they discussed.


Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that harnesses the body’s immune system to fight cancer cells. It has shown promising results in managing mesothelioma in clinical trials. A recent study found that the combination of two immunotherapy drugs, nivolumab and ipilimumab, resulted in a 50% response rate among mesothelioma patients, meaning that their tumors shrank by at least 30%. Another trial tested the use of an experimental immunotherapy drug called CRS-207, which was administered alongside chemotherapy. The results showed a significant improvement in overall survival compared to chemotherapy alone.

However, immunotherapy is not without its side effects, and it may not be suitable for all patients. The treatments can be expensive, and not all insurance providers cover them. Researchers are continuing to explore the benefits and limitations of immunotherapy in mesothelioma care.

Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is another innovative approach to mesothelioma treatment that holds promise for the future. Researchers are testing ways to alter the genetic material of cancer cells to make them more susceptible to other treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation. This approach could potentially increase the effectiveness of those treatments and improve outcomes for patients.

One experimental gene therapy approach involves using a virus to deliver a tumor suppressor gene to mesothelioma cells. The hope is that the gene will slow or halt the growth of the cancer cells. Another strategy is to introduce a gene that makes cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy drugs. Researchers are currently conducting clinical trials to test the safety and efficacy of these approaches.

Palliative Care

Palliative care is an approach to mesothelioma care that focuses on managing symptoms, improving quality of life, and providing emotional support to patients and their families. Palliative care teams can consist of doctors, nurses, social workers, and other specialists who work together to provide personalized care that meets each patient’s unique needs.

Palliative care can be provided at any stage of mesothelioma treatment, and it is not just for patients who are nearing the end of their lives. Studies have found that early palliative care can lead to better patient outcomes, including a reduced need for hospitalization and improved survival rates. Palliative care can also help patients cope with the emotional and psychological challenges of living with mesothelioma.

Nutrition and Exercise

Mesothelioma can cause a range of symptoms that can make it difficult for patients to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. However, nutrition and exercise are vital components of a comprehensive mesothelioma care plan.

Good nutrition can help patients manage symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, and constipation. A balanced diet can also support the immune system, which is essential for fighting cancer. Patients with mesothelioma should work with a dietitian to develop a meal plan that meets their individual needs and preferences.

Exercise can also play an important role in mesothelioma care. Physical activity can reduce fatigue, improve mood, and help patients maintain muscle mass and bone density. However, it is essential to work with a medical professional to develop an exercise plan that is safe and appropriate for each patient’s condition.


Innovative mesothelioma care strategies are continually emerging as medical professionals and researchers work to improve outcomes for patients. Immunotherapy and gene therapy are among the most promising approaches, but they are still in the early stages of development. Palliative care, nutrition, and exercise are established strategies that can improve quality of life for patients with mesothelioma. Patients and their families should work with their healthcare providers to develop a comprehensive care plan that addresses all aspects of their physical, emotional, and psychological needs.
