Online Job Assessment – Abstract Reasoning Assessment – Live online pre employment test – Part 4

πŸ”΄ The abstract reasoning online jobs assessment test.Real-time, online Assessment – Coles CSA and Customer Service positions.
Video timeline bellow. So, what is Abstract Reasoning?
How to prepare for it and how to approach this test?
One thing we can do today is Let’s talk about it and let me show you a real-time real example test!
The abstract reasoning test,
also called
the conceptual reasoning test or form of a logical reasoning test supposed to a test that measures your observational ability, lateral thinking and deductive intelligence, which are your ability to quickly identify patterns, logical rules and trends in new data, integrate this information and apply it to solve problems.
Logical Reasoning:
Please allow me to give you an example of logical reasoning:
I am a Leadership expert and educational Infotainer.
I am trying to create an entertaining, informative, educational and engaging videos.
My goal is to Ad a great value to your investment – which is Your time spent watching this video.
I would love my audience to enjoy the content I create, engage by commenting and providing feedback and I would be so happy if you visit my channel again.
I would love to grow my channel and collaborate with other creators.
Your feedback and comments tell me what I am doing right and what I am doing wrong and how to improve and create the content that you would love watching and get involved.
By subscribing, liking and sharing you display your support and encourage our channel to grow.
So logically,
I should ask you to subscribe to my channel,
like, comment and share my videos on your social media platforms with your friends and family.

Let’s go back to the test:
Although, in my opinion, this test doesn’t guarantee an employer to find a perfect fit for the position, it allows them to gain some insight into your logic, logical reasoning and problem solving reasoning.
I have seen so many comments in forums and on youtube how these tests are useless and for so many that have managed to get 97%+ have never made it into the talent pool.
I know, for candidates it is a disheartening experience and attaches a negative opinion about that potential employer.
However, I strongly recommend, If you have an opportunity to do a similar test, Just do it.
The trick is to approach it with an open mind and no expectations at all.
Another trick is to practice as much as you can before you take the test.
Nothing will enhance your chances of success during your logical reasoning test more than familiarity with the content, structure and timing of the test. Practise makes perfect.
Watch out for the relative position,
a number of items,
the relationship between items,
colour, shape, and orientation of shapes:
there are many different variations on these rules and there may be some extraneous data in there that complicates the rules.
More of that during the commentary.

VIDEO CONTENT: Strictly for Educational purposes.
Online assessment test for Coles CSA – Customer Service positions
The test was designed and provided by TestgridΒ©
I have no business affiliation or sponsorship deals with or Coles.

Logical reasoning real-life example: 00.38.00
Sample Questions with commentary: 01.41.00
Sample Question commentary explanation from: 02.08.05
Real-Time abstract reasoning online jobs assessment test: 06.09.00
Online Traitify personality assessment – Real time 10.49.10

#AbstractReasoningAssessment #jobinterview #onlinejobassessments

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πŸ”΄ The abstract reasoning online jobs assessment test.Real-time, online Assessment – Coles CSA and Customer Service positions.
Video timeline bellow. So, what is Abstract Reasoning?
How to prepare for it and how to approach this test?
One thing we can do today is Let’s talk about it and let me show you a real-time real example test!
The abstract reasoning test,
also called
the conceptual reasoning test or form of a logical reasoning test supposed to a test that measures your observational ability, lateral thinking and deductive intelligence, which are your ability to quickly identify patterns, logical rules and trends in new data, integrate this information and apply it to solve problems.
Logical Reasoning:
Please allow me to give you an example of logical reasoning:
I am a Leadership expert and educational Infotainer.
I am trying to create an entertaining, informative, educational and engaging videos.
My goal is to Ad a great value to your investment – which is Your time spent watching this video.
I would love my audience to enjoy the content I create, engage by commenting and providing feedback and I would be so happy if you visit my channel again.
I would love to grow my channel and collaborate with other creators.
Your feedback and comments tell me what I am doing right and what I am doing wrong and how to improve and create the content that you would love watching and get involved.
By subscribing, liking and sharing you display your support and encourage our channel to grow.
So logically,
I should ask you to subscribe to my channel,
like, comment and share my videos on your social media platforms with your friends and family.

Let’s go back to the test:
Although, in my opinion, this test doesn’t guarantee an employer to find a perfect fit for the position, it allows them to gain some insight into your logic, logical reasoning and problem solving reasoning.
I have seen so many comments in forums and on youtube how these tests are useless and for so many that have managed to get 97%+ have never made it into the talent pool.
I know, for candidates it is a disheartening experience and attaches a negative opinion about that potential employer.
However, I strongly recommend, If you have an opportunity to do a similar test, Just do it.
The trick is to approach it with an open mind and no expectations at all.
Another trick is to practice as much as you can before you take the test.
Nothing will enhance your chances of success during your logical reasoning test more than familiarity with the content, structure and timing of the test. Practise makes perfect.
Watch out for the relative position,
a number of items,
the relationship between items,
colour, shape, and orientation of shapes:
there are many different variations on these rules and there may be some extraneous data in there that complicates the rules.
More of that during the commentary.

VIDEO CONTENT: Strictly for Educational purposes.
Online assessment test for Coles CSA – Customer Service positions
The test was designed and provided by TestgridΒ©
I have no business affiliation or sponsorship deals with or Coles.

Logical reasoning real-life example: 00.38.00
Sample Questions with commentary: 01.41.00
Sample Question commentary explanation from: 02.08.05
Real-Time abstract reasoning online jobs assessment test: 06.09.00
Online Traitify personality assessment – Real time 10.49.10

#AbstractReasoningAssessment #jobinterview #onlinejobassessments

Support our Channel by visiting our Zazzle Shop:


The abstract reasoning online jobs assessment,Coles abstract reasoning test,Traitify Big five test,Logical Reasoning online assessment,Online Job Assessment,what is Abstract Reasoning,How to prepare for online assessment test,abstract reasoning test,conceptual reasoning,Logical Reasoning,problem solving skills,Testgrid online assessment,personality online assessment,Traitify online assessment,Traitify Big Five personality assessment,Coles online assessment,Coles



  • harmanpreet kaur

    January 18, 2023 - 10:35 am


  • Lighthouse11

    January 18, 2023 - 10:35 am

    Excellent, thank you!

  • Mr Gilbert

    January 18, 2023 - 10:35 am

    what are the answers?!

  • French Aussie

    January 18, 2023 - 10:35 am

    What's the answer to question 7? It was the only one that I didn't know…

  • Cris BorrΓ©

    January 18, 2023 - 10:35 am

    Hey, what are the answers?


    January 18, 2023 - 10:35 am

    Logical reasoning or abstract reasoning helps employers tap into the level and quality of candidates logical and analytical skills. It does generally show candidates potential to recognise logical solutions quickly and accurately. I agree, to nail these tests, you have to practice.

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