Jane had been looking for a job for months. She finally got an interview at her dream company, but it was scheduled for the same day as her friend’s wedding.

Jane decided to attend both events and arrived at the interview in her wedding dress. The interviewer was confused but decided to proceed with the interview.

Things went downhill from there. Jane accidentally spilled coffee on her dress, fumbled with her resume, and even forgot the name of the company she was interviewing for.

To make matters worse, Jane’s phone rang during the interview, and her ringtone was the “Chicken Dance.” The interviewer tried to hide his laughter, but it was clear that Jane was not getting the job.

As Jane left the building, she realized that she had accidentally left her purse in the interview room. She went back to retrieve it and ran into the interviewer, who was now laughing uncontrollably.

To her surprise, the interviewer offered her a job as the office comedian. It wasn’t the job she was expecting, but Jane decided to take it anyway.
