As the capital city and the largest among the seven emirates in the UAE, Abu Dhabi is a globally recognized business hub. Over the years, it has become a preferred destination for job seekers from across the globe, thanks to its numerous employment opportunities, tax-free benefits, and high standard of living.

However, job hunting in Abu Dhabi can be a little complex and stressful, especially for those who are new to the place. That said, in this article, we will discuss the dos and don’ts of job hunting in Abu Dhabi, which can help make your job search easier and more rewarding.

Dos of Job Hunting in Abu Dhabi

  1. Research the Job Market

Before embarking on your job search in Abu Dhabi, one of the crucial things you need to do is research the job market. Understanding the industry trends, job opportunities, skillsets in demand, and unemployment rate in Abu Dhabi will give you a better understanding of the job market’s landscape.

  1. Prepare Your CV

Your CV is your marketing tool when job hunting in Abu Dhabi. Hence, it is essential that you tailor your CV to the job you are applying for. Ensure your CV is clear, concise, and outlines your relevant skills, qualifications, and experiences. Also, highlight your achievements and ensure that it is free of any grammatical errors.

  1. Utilize Professional Networks

Networking is vital in job hunting, and more so in Abu Dhabi. You can get valuable information, job referrals, and connections to job opportunities through professional networks. Attend networking events, join professional associations, and connect with people in your industry through LinkedIn.

  1. Be Flexible

Abu Dhabi is a diverse city with a broad range of industries and job opportunities. Hence, it’s best to approach your job search with an open mind and be flexible. Be willing to take up temporary or part-time jobs to gain valuable work experience and build your professional network.

  1. Learn Arabic

While English is widely spoken in Abu Dhabi, it’s essential to learn Arabic, especially if you plan to stay for an extended period. Knowing how to speak Arabic can make you stand out among other job candidates, especially in industries where communication with Arabic-speaking clients or colleagues is prevalent.

Don’ts of Job Hunting in Abu Dhabi

  1. Don’t be Impatient

Securing a job in Abu Dhabi can be a lengthy process, and it’s important not to be impatient. Don’t expect to land a job within a week or two of starting your job search. Instead, keep a positive attitude and be persistent in your job search.

  1. Don’t Apply for Jobs You are not Qualified for

Applying for jobs you are not qualified for can damage your chances of landing a job. Hence, it’s important to be realistic about your qualifications, experience, and skillset. Only apply for jobs that align with your skillset and qualifications.

  1. Don’t Apply for Jobs Without Researching the Company

Before applying for a job, it’s important first to research the company. Understand the company’s mission, values, culture, and the position’s requirements. This information will give you a better understanding of the job and whether it aligns with your career goals.

  1. Don’t Discuss Salary During Initial Interviews

One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make in Abu Dhabi is discussing salary during the initial interview. Salary discussions are best left until a job offer is on the table. Instead, focus on the position’s requirements, your qualifications, and job responsibilities.

  1. Don’t Undervalue Your Skills and Qualifications

Many job seekers undervalue their skills and qualifications, which can affect their chances of getting a good job in Abu Dhabi. Hence, it’s important to recognize your worth and seek job opportunities that align with your qualifications, experience, and skillset.


In conclusion, job hunting in Abu Dhabi requires a strategic approach, patience, and flexibility. Researching the job market, preparing your CV, utilizing professional networks, being flexible and learning Arabic are some of the dos of job hunting in Abu Dhabi. On the other hand, impatience, applying for jobs you are not qualified for, not researching the company, discussing salary during initial interviews, and undervaluing your skills and qualifications are some of the don’ts when job hunting in Abu Dhabi. By following these dos and don’ts, you can increase your chances of securing a rewarding job in Abu Dhabi.
