*The Netherlands Is The Worst Country in Europe. Here's Why

Watch It In Spanish! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vlipE_9VT0 Here’s is how I felt about the Netherlands. I spent two months …

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Watch It In Spanish! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vlipE_9VT0 Here’s is how I felt about the Netherlands. I spent two months …


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  • Bob02

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    hahahahaha, saw 2 square feet and now I know the country. Not a good video Josefa. Car less country…. known for its import and export. yeah right

  • nathmas

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    as a dutch person, the netherlands is the ohio from europe

  • Willy Hwang

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    yeah that's too many bicycles and water for me

  • Egon Spengler

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    Lady, no offence, but you sound like a self-indulgent trainwreck.

  • Hans Joosten

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    Bro shut up Netherlands is awesome

  • J.A. 88

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    Ok Karen

  • axid

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    The netherlands is fun are you sure you went there?

  • Shoukatali Lashari

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    Goede morgen madam

  • Minwoo Zhang

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    Shit my mom works in Amsterdam in China job it's called tai yuen

  • Minwoo Zhang

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    I live in Netherlands: (

  • Minwoo Zhang

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am


  • bojack40

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    You are insane

  • Ramon B.m

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    Soy español llegue a Holanda hace 12 años con 1.200€ y aún estoy aquí.
    Juzgar a Holanda por Amsterdam es un error….las ciudades grandes europeas son parecidas y todas son caras.
    Aquí el gobierno da dinero a la gente desempleada y facilita casas de renta baja.
    Cuando llegue aquí encontré trabajo facilmente …de limpiador de colegios.

    Si llegas aquí y no sabes Holandés y además no tienes titulación universitaria…si…entonces no te será fácil pero no imposible encontrar trabajo
    Yo les aconsejo,si quieren venir a Holanda es aprender holandés antes…y no hacer el error de llegar aquí,como yo,hablando solo español y muy poco inglés.
    Este video no es muy descriptivo de Holanda….quizás de Amsterdam…y yo cada vez que voy por allí veo muchos carteles donde reclaman gente en la hostelería.. y estoy seguro que en la limpieza de lugares.
    Eso sí….ni te pagarán mucho ni te harás rico…

  • sutki miftari

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    Crazy fact! The Dutch were the first to come up with the idea of ​​transporting blacks from Africa to North America,they came up with the idea that they could make good money from it,and they did…
    More black people died in that transport from Africa to North America than Jews in World War 2, but very little is said about it!
    And when the Germans occupied the Netherlands in WW2, the Dutch handed them a list of all the Jews with their addresses, like just leave us alone,we don't want to have trouble here!🤣 And today,they make big money from the Anne Frank museum!🤣 How sick is that?🤣

  • Khalid AlAli

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    The dubbed voice is unbelievably annoying for starters.

    Secondly, I’ve had the immense privilege of visiting the Netherlands on 13 different occasions between January of 2018 and January 2020. My stays ranged from an insane one night stay, and a 23-night stay being my longest. Overall, I spent a total of 62 days in the Netherlands, and let me tell you, I’d fly back as soon as I can too. It is home. I call it my much needed breath of fresh air. I’m in Arab, from the very bosom of Arabia, and flew to Amsterdam for the very first time, as part of my two-week annual break in January of 2018, as I had just completed my mandatory one year long national military service from January 7th, 2017 to January 6th, 2018. I ended up flying back 12 more times, until January 2020, along with discovering Leiden (My favorite city), Delft, Rotterdam, and The Hague as well.

    “Why did I like the Netherlands so much?” One might ask. Well, I found the Dutch to be unapologetically cool, exceptionally friendly, and quite the welcoming bunch. I befriend fellow millennials, Gen-Zs, boomers, and my best friend/honorary Godmother, is an 82 year old Dutch lady, called Marianne. I met her for the first time, along with other really good friends, by sheer coincidence, during my first visit in January of 2018, in a cooking book shop not far from Prinseneiland, which is where I stayed during my first visit. I was walking around, on my very first day, a mere two hours after landing at Schiphol, and lo and behold, I stumble upon this window display of books, and being the hopeless bibliophile that I am. I stood my ground to scour the wide array of selections on display, only to discover that they’re all cooking books to my dismay, as a 28 year old who doesn’t cook back then. I was this close 🤏 to leaving, before nothing the two moving human bodies inside, signaling to me some very funny gestures, of “Hey! Come on in!”, with some karate chops by the crazy guy to the right of my soon-to-be good friend Welmoed, and me replying back in a similar funny manner, with some Jiujitsu moves I had picked up during my one year military service with the army. I walked in, the man leaves, and I end up talking to Welmoed for a whole hour, about almost everything that comes to mind, before another potential customer walks in, being my soon-to-be honorary Dutch Godmother Marianne, who was 77 at the time, and we three, end up talking in one of the most stimulating conversations of all time, one worthy of ancient Athens symposium, for a total 7 hours, which felt like a blink of an eye, I kid you not. We needed up closing the store together with Welmoed, when her boyfriend Anker showed up to pick her up from work, who also became a good friend of mine. That ladies and gentlemen, happened during the very few hours of my first ever stay in Amsterdam, mere hours after my plane from my hometown of Abu Dhabi had landed. Not to mention that I had very high expectations that day, given the awesome female passport control agent, I had the luxury of interacting with for less than a minute, who was nothing short of friendly, and excited for me, giving me tips as an Adam local, for someone visiting her hometown for the very first time. Only to be followed by this amazing coincidence, along with the wonderful couple in their 60s, on my way back, that invited me to their home for dinner, being Willem & Monica of Gallery Moon, a stone’s throw away from my crib. Who, btw, published an English edition of their 7 times printed Dutch book in the summer of 2020, sent me a free copy of their book all the way to Abu Dhabi, with a dedication in the preface to me, and their only son, Boris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How about that!!!?? Beat that if you can 😎 😂

    All of this, happened during my first day people!! I’m still friends with those amazing people, and sadly haven’t been back for 3 years due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. But I’ll sure be back as soon as I can, to see them, and finally hug them, and embrace many others too.

    Shoutout to Mara van Gelder, Annaroos Dijjestra (I always mess up your last name, sorry. I love you) Lotte, Tim, and Jan

    I love the Dutch so much, thanks to those amazing people, and many hundreds of random strangers I had interacted with, in one way or another. That I go out of my way, to research ways about giving back to the Netherlands, even though I’m not a citizen of that wonderful nation, nor a resident of it. Merely an Arab tourist who has been there 13 times, between January 16th, 2018 and January 11th, 2020. I even bought carbon offsets for all my Etihad round trip flights from Abu Dhabi to Amsterdam this past summer of 2022, through planting €1000 worth of trees in the Netherlands, via a Dutch organization called “Trees for All”. Whilst dedicating them to my beloved parents. I think they were 200 or 250 trees in total. Not to mention my donations to the Rijksmuseum, and many other smaller museums in Leiden and Delft for instance. Amongst many other things, that I should like to keep to myself. Hence, the explanation to why the Netherlands is my faraway home, and my “Much-needed breath of fresh air”, when trying to convey my emotions about the place, and it’s wonderful Batavian nation 🫡

    This doesn’t mean I didn’t run into grumpy people you guys! I sure did, and some were flat out discrimination or even racist. I always found it funny when things like that happened, because it just shows you, that the ancient mantra is true. All families have good and bad apples within them. Let alone entire communities, societies, or nations, and civilizations as a whole. I also found them funny, and quite ironic, even when think about them in hindsight right now, because I’m not the kind of person that would notice. I would genuinely need someone to point out to me, that “Hey Khalid, I think you were just a victim of racism or prejudice, or preconceived notions of stereotypical imaging” to which I would reply with a burst of laughter and amazement hahaha 🤣 given that I did notice that person that I had just dealt with in a restaurant or a shop etc., was slightly grumpy or borderline rude. But I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt, that service jobs are not easy, and they deal with all sorts of people. And that they were merely having a bad day lol 😂. Incidentally, it was mostly when dealing with Turks or Moroccans. Probably 80% of the time, with only 20% of that happening with actual Dutch people. But hey, it’s part of life, and what makes it more interesting and lively I guess. It also makes interacting with special people all the more worthwhile, no?

    Anyways, this video is extremely bias, and should not even be taken seriously with the tinniest pinch of salt 😅

    I assure you, the Netherlands is cool, vibrant, beautiful, interesting, and the furthest thing from dull, mundane, boring, and monotonous. The Dutchies are my peeps, and as someone who has been to 26 countries thus far, in my 33 years of existence on planet earth. They rank as number 1. Who knows?! I might finally have the courage to move there on a permanent basis, and start chopping up people 😝 (I’m a cardiac surgeon relax! It’s a joke. Jeez).

  • Mike Nate

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    SOOOO.. she was there to look for a job.. lol

  • peter jansen

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    What bullsh.t..:they only spoke broken english…well you're in our country, so yeah, we speak Dutch here..adapt! I don't hear any British speak Dutch when I visit Britain do I?

  • Randy Nundlall

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    So, america is better than Netherlands, where you have bible bashing idiots and capital punishment, and those like you talking out of their arse. Is that it? You are certainly full of shit. Look at yourself, you are repulsive and your comments are really nauseating.

  • Allcaro

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    This is why there were dislike counters

  • Alex Z.

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    The Netherlands are beautiful

  • That Ponos Worker

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    74K dislikes
    Dislike counter hidden so most people ignore it anyway

  • Stan Niels

    February 10, 2023 - 9:40 am

    Bro wtf are you talking about! If you want to experience The Netherpands do bot go the Amsterdam it is just no Netherlands there. GO TO BRABANT OR SOMETHING. There it is cheap and very happy there

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