The Power of Meaning: Crafting A Life That Matters – Emily Esfahani Smith- WGS 2018

The Power of Meaning: Crafting A Life That Matters sheds light on the 4 main pillars of happiness.

تقول الكاتبة إميلي اصفهاني سميث أن الكثيرون يستخدمون كلمتي “السعادة” و”المعنى” كمرادفات، إلا أن المعنى أكبر بكثير من السعادة

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The Power of Meaning: Crafting A Life That Matters sheds light on the 4 main pillars of happiness.

تقول الكاتبة إميلي اصفهاني سميث أن الكثيرون يستخدمون كلمتي “السعادة” و”المعنى” كمرادفات، إلا أن المعنى أكبر بكثير من السعادة





  • Hexus Ziggurat

    January 28, 2023 - 9:41 am

    The 4 pillars coincide with a great deal of the teaching behind the 4 big questions of life. Origin, Meaning, Morality, Destiny. Emily focuses on Belonging, Purpose, Storytelling, Transcendence.

    The keys are quite similar
    Belonging:Meaning – What is our value and how do we value others? Why are we even here?
    Purpose:Destiny – What are we meant to do in this existence? Finding our reason for being here and connecting with that, leaving our legacy to the world.
    Storytelling:Morality – This is the message of our forefathers of what ought to be. How we ought to live. The things we should avoid, that they have suffered through.
    Transcendence:Origin – What is beyond us and the universe we have come from? Why is it that we can detect the metaphysical and the importance of what is beyond us.

  • Hexus Ziggurat

    January 28, 2023 - 9:41 am

    Great content!

  • Matthew Millet

    January 28, 2023 - 9:41 am

    Very insightful and thought provoking!

  • Javi Escalante

    January 28, 2023 - 9:41 am

    26 minutes that fail to point out that the true meaning is 42

  • Rachel Lovelace

    January 28, 2023 - 9:41 am

    How incredibly naive and hallow. And you said it in front of a crowd of Muslim men who could never agree with your sentiment. Viktor Frankl, a Jew that was liberated from Auschwitz, wrote Man's Search for Meaning; a book that is completely antithetical to what this woman has concocted in her free time. His insight and wisdom were born out of hardship and first-hand knowledge. Yours was concocted in a university among academics, Friday night cocktails, and manicures. Really? Are religion and a desire to serve one's military now anathema to you? Is it your inconvenient truth? Fool. It is only a damned fool who can say history can teach us nothing and that you have all new answers.

  • taraz

    January 28, 2023 - 9:41 am

    the four pillars

    belonging 9:21
    purpose 12:35
    transcendence 14:47
    storytelling 17:16

  • W Ghost

    January 28, 2023 - 9:41 am

    Belonging indeed 😀

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