As the job market continues to evolve, job seekers are finding themselves faced with new challenges when it comes to finding employment opportunities. One of the biggest challenges is discovering the hidden job market, which consists of job openings that are not publicly advertised. These jobs are typically filled through referrals, networking, and other non-traditional means. However, there is a growing awareness that job boards can play a major role in unlocking the hidden job market. By understanding how job boards work and how to use them effectively, job seekers can drastically increase their chances of finding hidden job opportunities.

The Hidden Job Market

The hidden job market refers to job openings that are not publicly advertised. Instead, these positions are often filled through referrals, networking, and other non-traditional means. According to Harvard Business Review, up to 80% of all job openings are never publicly advertised. This means that job seekers who rely solely on job postings and classified ads are missing out on a significant portion of the job market.

So why do companies choose to keep job openings hidden? There are several reasons. For one, it can save them time and money. When jobs are not publicly advertised, companies receive fewer applications, which means they can avoid the time-consuming process of reviewing resumes and interviewing candidates. Additionally, companies often have a higher level of trust in candidates who come recommended by someone they know and trust. This is why referrals are so valuable in the hidden job market.

Unlocking the Hidden Job Market through Job Boards

Job boards are online platforms that allow job seekers to search for job postings across a variety of industries and locations. Traditionally, job boards have been used primarily for finding publicly advertised job openings. However, job boards can also play a major role in unlocking the hidden job market.

Many companies use job boards to post job openings, even if they are not publicly advertised. These postings may be limited to registered users, or they may be shared only with select groups or networks. Job seekers who are registered with the job board and have set up their profiles to match certain keywords and criteria may receive alerts when these postings become available. This is one of the key ways in which job boards can help job seekers find hidden job opportunities.

In addition to receiving alerts for hidden job postings, job boards can also be used to network with employers and industry professionals. Job seekers can use job boards to research companies and connect with employers to learn about job opportunities that may not be publicly advertised. They can also use job boards to build professional relationships with other job seekers, industry professionals, and recruiters.

Tips for Using Job Boards to Find Hidden Job Opportunities

To effectively unlock the hidden job market using job boards, job seekers should follow these tips:

  1. Set up job board profiles and maintain them regularly. Job seekers should take the time to set up their job board profiles with as much detail as possible, including skills, experience, and keywords relevant to their desired job. They should also update their profiles regularly with new skills, education, and work experience to ensure they appear in search results for new job postings.

  2. Use the job board’s alerts and notification features. Job seekers should set up alerts and notifications for relevant job postings that match their skills and experience. This can help them stay on top of hidden job opportunities as they become available.

  3. Network with employers and industry professionals. Job seekers should use job boards to connect with employers and industry professionals in their desired field. This can help them learn about job opportunities that may not be publicly advertised, as well as build relationships that could lead to future job opportunities.

  4. Apply to publicly advertised job openings. While the hidden job market is a valuable source of job opportunities, job seekers should not overlook the publicly advertised job market. Many job postings on job boards are also publicly advertised, and while they may not be part of the hidden job market, they can still lead to valuable job opportunities.


Job boards are no longer just a source of publicly advertised job postings. They can also be used to unlock the hidden job market by alerting job seekers to job openings that are not publicly advertised, and by facilitating networking with employers and industry professionals. By setting up detailed job board profiles, using alerts and notifications, networking with employers, and applying to publicly advertised job openings, job seekers can increase their chances of tapping into the hidden job market and finding their ideal job opportunity.
