What is a Job Coach? An Overview of the Role of a Job Coach in the Workplace Part 1

By Rachael Rounds & April Lynch

Have you ever wondered what a job coach is? This webcast will provide information on the role of a job coach and how they can assist with your hiring and business needs. Job coaches work with individuals with disabilities to obtain and maintain long-term employment. They are also a resource for training new employees and educating managers and co-workers on disability awareness.

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By Rachael Rounds & April Lynch

Have you ever wondered what a job coach is? This webcast will provide information on the role of a job coach and how they can assist with your hiring and business needs. Job coaches work with individuals with disabilities to obtain and maintain long-term employment. They are also a resource for training new employees and educating managers and co-workers on disability awareness.


VCU,RRTC,Employer Practices,Disabilities,yt:cc=on,Rachael Rounds,April Lynch
