What is a job enlargement?| What is a job enrichment? For IB and A Level Business students|

#WhatisJobEnlargement #Jobenrichment #EduIgnites
What is a job enlargement?| What is a job enrichment? For IB and A Level Business students|
Effectiveness of any business organisation depends on many factors. One of such factors, is the level of motivation of employees. Well-motivated employees, will help an organisation to achieve its objectives, along with fulfilling their own personal goals.
The level of motivation is reflected through labour turnover rate, lateness, absenteeism, customer complaints, and many more.
But the question is how to motivate employees?
Well! There are two methods of motivation. Financial and non-financial.
Good morning!
Welcome to Business Bites, podcast episode.
Today, I am talking about, non-financial methods of motivation.
Some of popular methods of non-financial motivation methods are:
1. Job enlargement.
2. Job enrichment.
3. Quality circles.
4. Total Quality Management.
5. Team working.
6. Empowerment,
7. Delegation, and,
8. Job rotation.

This episode is meant for Job enlargement, and Job enrichment.
Though, both job enlargement, and job enrichment are non-financial motivators, however, they differ a lot from each other.
The critical difference is, job enlargement is a horizontal expansion of duties, and tasks across the same organizational level, whereas job enrichment is, the vertical expansion of the roles, responsibilities, authority, and activities along with the different hierarchical levels.
Job enlargement is a job redesign tool, to reduce boredom, and monotony, whereas job enlargement is a management tool, to make job more challenging.
Levels of authority, and responsibility, will remain same when a job is enlarged, whereas these two will increase in job enrichment.
Job enrichment requires employees improve their soft skills, whereas when a employee’s job is enlarged, this is not the requirement.
In conclusion,
Job enlargement is a job redesign technique, which integrates the various tasks performed at the same level to the employee’s existing job profile.
Job enrichment is a vertical restructuring of a job, which involves integration of the tasks, role, responsibilities and authority across different levels in an organization, to add value to the employee’s existing job profile.

Students, visit a local restaurant. Speak to home delivery boys. Understand their current job profile. Write a short report on how to make their jobs more interesting, by adding a variety to their current job profile.
Thank you, and happy learning.

Key words:
Job enlargement, Job enrichment, Quality circles, Total Quality Management, Team working, Empowerment, Delegation, Job rotation, IB Business Management, A Level Business, Edu Ignites, What is a job enlargement?, What is a job enrichment?, What are the differences between job enlargement and job enrichment?

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You tube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuvRvEuHlmAzq3nIB0LWmeg/videos?disable_polymer=1
Our website:
Thumbnail credit: eduignites.com
Credits: https://theinvestorsbook.com/job-enlargement-vs-job-enrichment.html

The publisher ( https://www.eduignites.com/) of this podcast acknowledges materials taken from different sources. The publisher also respects copyright ownership of respective copyright holders. Should there be any problem, please write to [email protected]

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#WhatisJobEnlargement #Jobenrichment #EduIgnites
What is a job enlargement?| What is a job enrichment? For IB and A Level Business students|
Effectiveness of any business organisation depends on many factors. One of such factors, is the level of motivation of employees. Well-motivated employees, will help an organisation to achieve its objectives, along with fulfilling their own personal goals.
The level of motivation is reflected through labour turnover rate, lateness, absenteeism, customer complaints, and many more.
But the question is how to motivate employees?
Well! There are two methods of motivation. Financial and non-financial.
Good morning!
Welcome to Business Bites, podcast episode.
Today, I am talking about, non-financial methods of motivation.
Some of popular methods of non-financial motivation methods are:
1. Job enlargement.
2. Job enrichment.
3. Quality circles.
4. Total Quality Management.
5. Team working.
6. Empowerment,
7. Delegation, and,
8. Job rotation.

This episode is meant for Job enlargement, and Job enrichment.
Though, both job enlargement, and job enrichment are non-financial motivators, however, they differ a lot from each other.
The critical difference is, job enlargement is a horizontal expansion of duties, and tasks across the same organizational level, whereas job enrichment is, the vertical expansion of the roles, responsibilities, authority, and activities along with the different hierarchical levels.
Job enlargement is a job redesign tool, to reduce boredom, and monotony, whereas job enlargement is a management tool, to make job more challenging.
Levels of authority, and responsibility, will remain same when a job is enlarged, whereas these two will increase in job enrichment.
Job enrichment requires employees improve their soft skills, whereas when a employee’s job is enlarged, this is not the requirement.
In conclusion,
Job enlargement is a job redesign technique, which integrates the various tasks performed at the same level to the employee’s existing job profile.
Job enrichment is a vertical restructuring of a job, which involves integration of the tasks, role, responsibilities and authority across different levels in an organization, to add value to the employee’s existing job profile.

Students, visit a local restaurant. Speak to home delivery boys. Understand their current job profile. Write a short report on how to make their jobs more interesting, by adding a variety to their current job profile.
Thank you, and happy learning.

Key words:
Job enlargement, Job enrichment, Quality circles, Total Quality Management, Team working, Empowerment, Delegation, Job rotation, IB Business Management, A Level Business, Edu Ignites, What is a job enlargement?, What is a job enrichment?, What are the differences between job enlargement and job enrichment?

Related podcasts and useful Videos
Mission statement and Vision statement

Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR)

Financial Budgeting

Management Vs Leadership

Ansoff matrix

Job Description

Business Growth

You tube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuvRvEuHlmAzq3nIB0LWmeg/videos?disable_polymer=1
Our website:
Thumbnail credit: eduignites.com
Credits: https://theinvestorsbook.com/job-enlargement-vs-job-enrichment.html

The publisher ( https://www.eduignites.com/) of this podcast acknowledges materials taken from different sources. The publisher also respects copyright ownership of respective copyright holders. Should there be any problem, please write to [email protected]


Job enlargement,Job enrichment,Quality circles,Total Quality Management,Team working,Empowerment,Delegation,Job rotation,IB Business Management,A Level Business,Edu Ignites,What is a job enlargement?,What is a job enrichment?,What are the differences between job enlargement and job enrichment?
