When One Door Closes: A Guide to Moving On from Job Rejection.

Job rejection can be a tough blow to deal with. It is often accompanied by feelings of disappointment, frustration, and a loss of self-confidence. Whether it is a long-awaited promotion or a dream job, being rejected for a job opportunity can be a debilitating experience.

However, when one door closes, another one opens. It is important to keep your head up and maintain a positive outlook on life to move past this rejection. Here are some tips on how to move on from job rejection:

  1. Take Some Time to Reflect

It is essential to take some time after receiving job rejection to reflect on the situation. What went wrong? Why didn’t you get the job? What could you do differently if you were given another chance to apply? Take the time to evaluate your skills and competencies and think about how you can improve your chances of landing your next job.

Do not beat yourself up too much, though. Job rejection is a part of life, and it happens to the best of us. Remember, there is nothing wrong with being rejected as long as you learn from it.

  1. Give Yourself Time to Heal

After suffering from a painful job rejection, take some time to heal. This could mean spending time with family and friends, engaging in a hobby, or doing something that makes you happy. This time can also be utilized for self-care, like taking some time off from work or exercising.

It is important to release yourself from feelings of self-doubt and anxiety and focus on positivity and self-assurance.

  1. Keep Your Options Open

Job rejection is not the end of the world. On the contrary, it is an opportunity to look for new opportunities and explore other career paths. Take this chance to evaluate what you want to do and where you want to work, and look into new job openings.

Always keep your options open and keep adding to your job search tool belt. This could mean constantly updating your resume, attending job fairs, or reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn.

  1. Learn from the Experience

The key to dealing with job rejections is to learn from the experience. Analyze the reasons why you were turned down and try to find ways to improve your skills, abilities, and qualifications. Perhaps it is time to go back to school and acquire new skills or certifications.

Additionally, consider reaching out to the hiring manager or HR representative who rejected your application for feedback. Be respectful and professional in your response, and ask if they have any constructive criticism that can help you improve for your next application.

  1. Stay Positive

Lastly, view job rejection as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. Maintain a positive attitude and a clear outlook on life. Surround yourself with individuals who support your endeavors and understand the job market.

It is worth remembering that despite the many applications you have sent out and the numerous rejections that may come your way, there is a job out there that is best suited for you. So, keep your head up. Keep pushing. Keep striving. The perfect job is out there and waiting to be found.


Job rejection is never easy, but it is a part of life. What is important is how we deal with it. By reflecting, healing, keeping our options open, learning from the experience, and staying positive, we can move on from job rejection and find new opportunities for growth and success.

It’s worth noting that no matter how difficult it may be, always try to keep a positive outlook. A positive attitude will help you deal with stress and anxiety, and help you along the way in your job search journey.

Remember, when one door closes, another one opens. Keep the faith, stay true to who you are, and you’ll find that perfect job sooner or later.
