Why Employees Stay

Retention is not the opposite of quitting; the reasons why employees stay are not necessarily the same as why they leave. In this video I share some academic terms and some studies covering the top reasons why employees choose to stay with an organization.
Catch up on the last two videos on this topic:
Turnover, attrition & retention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l27ngeE6z2U&list=PLmrQAP3hG5RTQCmzm9MRlGZmswkNpfS7l
Why People Quit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh2v7KztJf8&list=PLmrQAP3hG5RR5tb_Vk4HdCDhyIQTe40VQ

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Retention is not the opposite of quitting; the reasons why employees stay are not necessarily the same as why they leave. In this video I share some academic terms and some studies covering the top reasons why employees choose to stay with an organization.
Catch up on the last two videos on this topic:
Turnover, attrition & retention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l27ngeE6z2U&list=PLmrQAP3hG5RTQCmzm9MRlGZmswkNpfS7l
Why People Quit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh2v7KztJf8&list=PLmrQAP3hG5RR5tb_Vk4HdCDhyIQTe40VQ


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1 Comment

  • Gambolin' Man

    February 16, 2023 - 9:05 am

    Heather, this is great! Keep it up!

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