The stock market is one of the most significant indicators of the economy, and it is often looked upon as a critical barometer of economic stability. With the world economy currently facing unprecedented challenges, one of the most intriguing phenomena that have been observed is the steady increase in the stock market, despite uncertainty. This begs the question, why is the stock market defeating what seems like an insurmountable, unstable economic environment?

In this article, we will explore the reasons why the stock market is thriving, contrary to the state of the economy.

The Federal Reserve’s Intervention

The Federal Reserve has continued to implement policies designed to support the economy during these difficult times, thus playing a vital role in the stock market’s steady rise. In March 2020, the Federal Reserve implemented measures aimed at injecting liquidity into the financial markets. This included slashing interest rates to near-zero and launching a bond-buying program, also known as quantitative easing. Furthermore, they have created various lending facilities to ensure that businesses have access to cash if and when they need it.

These assessments by the Federal Reserve boosted the confidence of investors, leading to tremendous gains in the stock market. The intervention by the Federal Reserve signified to investors that, despite the uncertainty, the government has a plan that aims to safeguard the economy’s growth in the long term. This, in turn, encouraged investors to take on more risks and invest their money in the stock market, boosting its upward trajectory.

Improved Earnings

Another factor that has contributed to the stock market’s success is the remarkable performance of a majority of companies. The companies that primarily make up the stock market, such as Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon, continue to post impressive earnings, undoubtedly aiding in the stock market’s steady rise.

For example, during the second quarter of 2020, the technology giant, Apple, experienced a year-on-year growth of 11% in their revenue, despite the economic uncertainty caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Similarly, Amazon reported an outstanding 40% growth in their revenue during the same period. These impressive financial results have boosted investor confidence in the markets’ fundamental health, leading to increased investment in these sectors.

Stimulus Package

Since the onset of the pandemic, the government has rolled out several relief plans aimed at helping citizens and businesses navigate through this challenging period. One of the most significant stimulus packages was the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law in March 2020.

The CARES Act was aimed at providing aid to businesses and individuals affected by the pandemic. It involved a direct payment of $1,200 to eligible individuals, increased unemployment benefits, and small businesses’ support in the form of loans and grants.

As a result of these initiatives, individuals and businesses alike have more cash to spend than they would have had without the stimulus package. Consequently, the extra cash injection into the economy positively affected the markets, leading to increased investment, and the stock market’s steady rise.

The Impact of Low-Interest Rates

The Federal Reserve’s decision to cut interest rates to near-zero has had a significant impact on the stock market’s steady rise. With interest rates at an all-time low, investors are experiencing yields that they haven’t seen in decades. This has led to a significant shift of investment from fixed-income securities, like bonds, to the stock market, where returns seem significantly more favorable.

Low interest rates reduce the cost of borrowing for businesses, consequently increasing their willingness to take on debt to invest in growth opportunities. This, in turn, increases the profitability of these businesses, attracting more investors and improving the stock market’s overall outlook.

Inflation Hedge

One of the primary reasons why investors are investing in the stock market despite the current uncertainty is to protect their wealth against the threat of inflation. Inflation can have a devastating impact on an investor’s wealth, and as such, investors are looking for assets that provide a hedge against inflation.

Stocks have proven to be an excellent inflation hedge over the long term, as they tend to rise along with inflation. Therefore, investors’ willingness to invest their money in stocks, even in uncertain times, is a testament to the belief that the stock market provides a safe haven from the threat of inflation.


The stock market’s steady rise is surprising, given the current state of the economy. However, the factors contributing to this growth illustrate that investors have faith in the outlook of the US economy. The policies implemented by the Federal Reserve, the remarkable performance of several companies, the stimulus package, low-interest rates, and the stock market’s ability to protect against inflation are some of the reasons why the stock market continues to thrive even amidst uncertainty.

It is essential to note that the stock market’s ability to continue growing is not a sure-fire guarantee. The current pandemic undoubtedly brings with it considerable and unprecedented challenges. However, investors remain optimistic, and the steady rise in the market demonstrates that they are willing to take on the risks involved in investing in the stock market to reap the potential benefits that it offers.
