ZYPHR ACADEMY: Football Activation & Mobility | Dutch Trainer | Denis Onen-Can |

Denis Onen-Can is one of the top personal trainers in the Netherlands. Denis works with athletes and individuals who wants to improve their performance and health

As i was visiting Eindhoven, Denis was very kind to run a session with me and I am excited to finally share what we have been cooking from his tech lab

If you have any questions about the training, always ask questions in the comment section. Don’t forget, please like, share and subscribe to our channel!

Sportswear and Grip Socks: @zyphr_apparel
Training: @zyphracademy
Official Store: www.zyphr.com

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Denis Onen-Can is one of the top personal trainers in the Netherlands. Denis works with athletes and individuals who wants to improve their performance and health

As i was visiting Eindhoven, Denis was very kind to run a session with me and I am excited to finally share what we have been cooking from his tech lab

If you have any questions about the training, always ask questions in the comment section. Don’t forget, please like, share and subscribe to our channel!

Sportswear and Grip Socks: @zyphr_apparel
Training: @zyphracademy
Official Store: www.zyphr.com


