Sometimes, you just need a change of scenery. But what happens when you and your coworkers decide to swap desks for a day? Read on to hear about the chaos and hilarity that ensued during our great desk swap.

Working in an office can be a little lonely sometimes, which is why we decided to adopt an office pet. We settled on a goldfish, which we named Bubbles.

Bubbles quickly became a beloved member of our team. We would often take breaks to watch him swim around his bowl, and we even set up a little shrine to him with pictures and decorations But one day, disaster struck. I came into the office to find Bubbles belly up in his bowl. We were all devastated.

We held a little memorial service for Bubbles, and even though he was just a fish, it felt like we had lost a member of our team. We decided to hold a little funeral for him and bury him in a nearby park.

After a few days, however, something strange happened. One of my coworkers came into the office with a new fish bowl and a new goldfish inside. They claimed that they had found Bubbles alive and well in the supply closet, and that they had just assumed he had died and replaced him without telling anyone.

We were all shocked and a little suspicious, but we decided to let it slide. After all, Bubbles was back and that’s all that really mattered.

From that day on, we made sure to keep a closer eye on our office pet, and we even set up a little schedule for feeding and cleaning his bowl. It may have been a small thing, but having Bubbles around made our office feel just a little bit less lonely.

In fact, Bubbles became somewhat of a mascot for our office. We even started a little Instagram page for him, posting pictures and videos of him swimming around his bowl and doing silly things.

Eventually, we decided to upgrade Bubbles’ living situation and invested in a bigger and fancier fish tank for him. We decorated it with rocks, plants, and a little castle for Bubbles to swim through.

It wasn’t long before our little office pet had become a fixture in our daily routines. We would take turns feeding him and checking on him throughout the day, and he always seemed to brighten our moods.

But as much as we loved Bubbles, we knew that he couldn’t live forever. Eventually, the day came when he passed away for real. We were all heartbroken, but we took solace in the fact that we had given him a good life and that he had brought us so much joy.

We held another little memorial service for Bubbles, and this time we made sure he was really gone before burying him. We all agreed that we would miss our little office pet, but that we would always cherish the memories he gave us. In the end, Bubbles had brought our office together in a way that we never could have imagined. He reminded us that even in the midst of a busy workday, it’s important to take a moment to appreciate the little things in life.
